Synthetic Graphite

Synthetic Graphite


Synthetic graphite is industrially obtained through electric furnaces. The raw material can be green or calcinated petroleum coke, which undergoes high temperatures changing its chemical structure, reducing sulfur and nitrogen contents to very low levels, and physically changing its structure from amorphous to crystalline.

Visually, calcinated petroleum coke is similar to synthetic graphite.

The difference is that, for having a crystalline structure, the material is brighter and has lubricating characteristics.

For being a noble, high purity product, it has specific applications that ensure significant gains in the steelmaking, casting, and automotive industries, and has high-tech applications.

For being crystalline and having very low contaminant content, it is an excellent low lag electrical conductor used in the manufacturing of electrodes, lithium-ion batteries, and components for electric vehicles.

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  • GRAF 50
  • GRAF 35
  • GRAF 05